Build A Gambling App

In the past, the App Store and Google Play Store banned real money casino apps. As online casino sites pivoted to HTML5, allowing mobile users to access responsive sites, Apple and Google loosened regulation in their respective app stores and started to feature gambling apps. If you have a game app idea, then you are on the right page as in this blog, we have discussed all the essential things that you need to know before starting the development.

Steps to Start Your Online Gambling Site

Creating a new online gambling site can seem like a daunting as most newcomers don’t have a clue of what steps to start a betting site they should follow.

It’s as Easy as 1-2-3

If you are starting to maul over the idea of starting an online sportsbook, there are a few things you need to know. For starters, this kind of business venture requires passion as well as the will to invest your valuable time and money. Moreover, you will also need patience and resilience before you can start perceiving a steady income.

The good news is there are many aspects of the online gaming market nowadays that make it easier to start an online gambling site than ever before.

Why Become a Bookie?

We’ve mentioned on several occasions thatthe online gambling industry has recorded consistent growth over the last twodecades.

A lot of this growth is due to the rise of the internet and the creation of comprehensive betting software suites that enable bettors to access their accounts from anywhere in the world through the device of their choice.


This means that anyone, regardless of howtech-savvy they are, can make use of the most sophisticated wagering softwareplatforms on the market today.

In the past, the cost of the software prohibited many from entering this exciting industry. The solution to this challenge came with the rise of pay per head companies like Ace doesn’t just offer software; they provide many ancillary services that make it easier for you to become the bookie.

Build a gambling app without

If you are passionate about sports, casino, and horse racing then creating an online gambling site might be the best choice for you.

For those of you who are planning to start an online gaming business, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the three simple steps to start a betting siteas laid out by that are designed to help you stay ahead of the competition and stand out from the rest.

Step 1

Find the Best Gambling Software Provider

Let’s start by saying that this might beone of the most important decisions you have to make when starting your onlinesportsbook.

Partnering with a pay per head software provider is like starting a relationship. When you find the right one, it may turn into a lifelong journey with all its ups and downs. A long business relationship with your gambling software provider should be something you strive for, trust us switching providers can be a nightmare, so aim to find the right fit from the start.

It is essential to identify and know how toobtain all the functionalities you need your technology partner to provide foryour website.

When you start your software and tech requirement conversation with your pay per head service, make sure their offer includes:

  • High quality, secure andreliable backend
  • Single back office managementtool compatible with any device and accessible from anywhere in the world
  • User-friendly and customizablefront end
  • Access to top events andbetting markets
  • Account management, riskmanagement, and support services
  • Complete redundancy of allsystems and networks
  • DDoS protection
  • Ample server capacity
  • Guaranteed up times of 99.99%

Ace Per Head offers all these because they have been in business for 25 years, and therefore, the company understands how vitally important the technology that powers online sportsbooks is.

The IT engineers at Ace pay attention toevery detail, so their service not only meets but also exceeds everyexpectation.

Step 2

Register as an Agent with Ace Per Head

You did your research, and you came to the same conclusion as hundreds of bookie agents over the years.

There is only one pay per head company that offers the best service and support for new agents, and that is

Aside from full technical support, they have the most experienced oddsmakers and line managers to help you earn more money than you could hope to make with other price per head shops. And their outstanding customer service will help you retain more players and create loyalty towards your newly developed brand.

Build A Gambling App

Registering is free and only takes a fewminutes. The best part is Ace offers same day setup, so the same day youregister you can start accepting wagers and earning money.

If you are still not convinced Ace Per Head is the right shop for you, then what I’m about to tell you should clear any hesitation you may be experiencing.

You could get up to 6-weeks of free servicefrom Ace when you register as a bookie agent with them. No other price per headoffers a free trial period that remotely comes close to the up to 6-weeks Aceprovides. This free trial can be a lifesaver for new agents who are on a tightbudget and not making a steady income yet.

You can check the details of this promo here.

Step 3

Get Your Gambling Website

You can’t have an online gambling businesswithout a website.

Your site needs to be attractive anddistinctive enough where it can give you a competitive edge over yourcompetitors.

Website tip:

The most successful online bookie sites have simple designs.

Therefore, you should avoid the temptation of having complicated graphics. As part of their services, Ace Per Head offers hundreds of front-end skins that are simple, yet attractive and highly effective you can choose from.

Alternatively, you can have a fullycustomized website created just for you by the graphic design team at Ace.

If you act now, you can take advantage of this fantastic promotion and get your Free Website.

If you have been looking for a place that offers simple steps to start a betting site, then is the place you have been searching for.

Their no fuzz registration and setup process, affordable rates and exceptional customer service would be enough to distinguish them from other price per head shops. However, they go above and beyond any bookie’s expectations with their world-class betting odds, which are always sharp and render higher weekly hold percentages than any other PPH company. For more information on how can help make your dreams of becoming an online bookie a reality, contact one of their account managers today.

Build A Gambling App Free


With a global market generating $100 Billion this year, it’s no wonder that many people want to get in on the game app action. But getting rich off of the App Store is only one of the many possible motivations! Who knows, you could simply be interested in creating something fun for your friends, or actually building a lasting piece of digital art.

Whatever the reason, this quick guide will show you what tools you can use to create a video game that’s playable on iOS and Android. Please note that we also have a complete overview of different game engines here, some of which even allow you to create games for consoles and desktop!

So what do I need to get started?

While we usually focus on app makers, you’ll notice that none of them are actually good for building games. What you’ll need instead is something called a game engine, or a dedicated software for creating games. Unlike app makers, you need to install them on your computer, which leads us to the first item in our checklist:

  • A computer: you will need to install the game engine on your PC or Mac. Note that some game engines are only PC or only Mac. They don’t work on both.
  • A smartphone (or two): you will need to test the game on your desired platform. It’s worth ensuring it plays nice on both an iPhone and an Android phone if you want to reach both markets – and it’s worth trying on low end devices too!
  • A developer account: to submit your game app. It costs $99 per year for the App Store and $25 for life with the Play Store. Unlike with app makers, you’ll be in charge of updates and making sure the game works on all devices. This could mean several new updates per year.
  • A way to create art: Whether you are going 2D or 3D, you will need game assets. You can find a ton of free resources online and some game companies have got their own marketplaces. But the best way to make your game stand out is to create things like the characters, background, music and menus yourself.

And a game engine too?

Yup. That’ll be your main tool. And now that you’re going down the rabbit hole of game making, you’ll see that there are a number of solutions, from the very very basic to the extremely sophisticated. Roughly speaking, you can categorize game engines with the following features:

  • Game templates: the easiest way to get started – and also the most limiting. You won’t be able to change anything about the game except the characters, backgrounds, music, that kind of thing. In short, the mechanics of the game cannot be tweaked at all. For example, AppyPie or ChupaMobile offer templates (these are online solutions, by the way).

GameSalad is a drag and drop editor that also offers game templates

  • Drag and drop: this is the best method for beginners. You have a list of behaviours (if this happens, then that happens) and you can just apply them to your game objects. For example you create a 2D square and create a behaviour that says “if I press on the screen, the square jumps”.
  • Visual scripting: a more advanced solution that gives you all the flexibility of code without having to code. You basically create “nodes” that represent actions or events for your game objects. This creates a kind of diagram that represents everything happening in your game window.
  • Coding: the pros will tell you this is the only serious way to get complete control over your game, especially if you want it to be complex. And if you’re interested in a career as an game developer, you might as well start learning while doing! The good news is that some game engines offer their own simplified scripting language that makes it easy to grasp the basics for beginners.

Can I make any kind of game?

Technically speaking yes. But of course that depends on your amount of time and dedication. However, it is worth noting that beginners will probably have more success creating mobile games such as:

  • Puzzles / Word games
  • Casual games
  • Platformers
  • Arcade games

More complex 3D game genres such as FPS (first person shooters) or a MMO (massively multiplayer online games) will not only require some code, but they are also not necessarily the best suited for playing on a smartphone or tablet.

Which game engine should I choose?

This is the big question, and obviously it will completely depend on your level of skills and the kind of game you want to make. But below is a quick overview of some of the engines we think would be the best suited for you, listed in order of complexity.


GameSalad falls into the drag and drop category, and it features an intuitive interface as well as very good documentation for beginners. The way it handles 2D physics is perfect for mobile games, and it’s worth noting that you can publish your results to iOS, Android and even desktops. They also have a “mobile viewer” app to let you test your game on different mobile devices!

Watch how to get started with GameSalad in 15 mins.

Main features: drag and drop, game physics, good documentation, has marketplace, comes with basic game templates. Ad monetization supported with the pro version ($25 a month). The basic version is $17 a month, but you get 50% off the pro plan as a a teacher, student, or military personnel.

GameBuilder Studio

Using visual scripting, GameBuilder Studio might be a bit more intimidating than GameSalad, as can be demonstrated in the tutorial video below. However the documentation seems equally good and exhaustive, and you can even take a free udemy course online to get started with the basics. The program is also fairly cheap, costing a full price of $99 for the pro version, and $199 per year for the pro plan with all the features + tutorials and extra plugins.

Watch how to get started with GameBuilder Studio in 15 mins:

Main features: visual editor, game physics, plugin marketplace, good tutorials, create 2D animations (or integrate with Spine for powerful 2D animations). Ads, multiplayer and other advanced features are supported with the Pro version.


This one is a newcomer on the game engine scene, but it’s making big claims. Buildbox has listed 100 games made using their platform that entered the top downloads in the App Store, including classics such as The Line Zen and Color Switch. It is drag and drop, and also comes with some basic templates to get you started. On the plus side, the interface is really nice and the features seem very robust, if a bit limited. On the downside, the subscription is very expensive ($99 a month or $84 if paid yearly).

Main features: drag and drop, game templates, great UI, 2D graphics (sprites) editor and animator.

ClickTeam Fusion 2.5

Moving on to the drag and drop and visual scripting method now, ClickTeam Fusion has been helping people create games since 1994! It is worth noting that they are not exactly focused on mobile games, and in fact you will have to pay extra to build your game for iOS and Android. However, one big pro of the program is that it has a big and enthusiastic online community, so you should be able to find the answer to any question you have about how to create your game. It also has a visual editor so you can create art directly in the program. Oh, PC only though.

Main features: drag and drop, visual scripting, PC only. Good online community and tons of extensions available.

GameMaker Studio 2

We now reach GameMaker Studio 2, a powerful solution that created hit games such as Hyper Light Drifter and Hotline Miami. On the plus side, it comes with a visual editor so you can create and animate the pixel art directly into the program, making it the engine of choice for artists. On the downside, you will need to code. Luckily, they use their own simplified language called GMS2. The documentation is also excellent. Like ClickTeam Fusion, it is also geared towards desktop computers and consoles, and you will have to pay for the full version ($399) to export your game to Android or iOS.

Main features: visual editor and animator, simplified code, powerful features. Excellent marketplace full of assets and extensions.

Build A Gambling Apps


Stencyl is an interesting engine based on the MIT Scratch project. A few years ago, MIT (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) developed a visual programming language to teach students how to code, and it is the same method that Stencyl uses. The elements are designed to fit like a puzzle so you will get a good understanding of how code works when you learn it. While it isn’t exactly a powerful engine, it’s definitely a great solution for simple 2D mobile games, and it seamlessly exports to iOS and Android.

Main features: visual scripting language, good for learning how to code, subscription model ($199 a year to publish to mobile platforms and desktop).


You’re now looking at a very powerful engine that uses a known scripting language (C#). By the way, you will be in company as Unity is the engine used by a ton of indie companies as well as AAA studios, from games such as Temple Run to Assassin’s Creed. And the good news is that you won’t necessarily have to code to create your game in it. This is because you can find a number of plugins for Unity that use a visual editor. These solutions are not always beginner friendly, but it's a start. They include FlowCanvas, uScript, Adventure Creator or PlayMaker. And Unity not only lets you build to iOS and Android, but you could also port your game to consoles and desktop!

Main features: free to use until your game makes more than $100K, paying visual editors, popular with indie developers, huge asset store, great tutorials and documentation


Build A Gambling App Sites

The main competitor to Unity, Unreal is also a powerful engine used by AAA studios for games such as Abzu and Kingdom Hearts III. It comes with a visual editor called Blueprint, and it’s known to push the limits in terms of beautiful graphics, even for mobile games. Like Unity, you can publish your game to desktop and consoles as well as iOS and Android. The downside is that Unreal created quite heavy games that target high-end mobiles. It's also a complex beast that you will need months to understand and get to grips with.

Main features: comes with visual editor, good for big mobile games, free to use and 5% royalty if your game makes more than $3000 per quarter.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, it’s worth noting that there are many levels of what you can call “a game app”. If you want to use a ready-made template, you can. If you are more serious about game development, it’s also fully available to anyone with a computer, a bit of time, and online resources. And there seems to be more and more solutions available all the time.

So the good news is that you won’t necessarily have to code to create your smartphone game, especially if it’s a simple one. And the better news is that the best games, especially in the mobile world, are not necessarily the most complex!

Any questions? Feedback? Would you like us to feature another solution for creating game apps? Let us know in the comments below!

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